I'm asking myself that a lot, it's been a strange time. I've never felt more frustrated and excited, nor stagnart or exhilirated before at the same time. Every time I feel like time slows to a crawl, it zips past you know? Anyways, enough waxing, how about an update on what I've been doing lately, to anyone interested in knowing about your boy Sam!
I haven't been posting much online, newgrounds or otherwise, for a dogs age, and it's all been thanks to school. I got back into it a few years ago, and I've been studying physics. I've finally gotten all of the "basic intro courses" out of the way, and I've also dipped my toes into more advanced classes as well (Stating that Calculus isn't already advanced....). To say that it's been absorbing my time, an understatement to go mach in your face and fuck you up. I've enjoyed every minute of it, I've never felt more vulnerable or more alive while exploring this hard as shit stuff. My only regret is that my online presence has really dwindled to next to nothing, but that's something I'm really hoping I can change here.
I'm always doing something in one form or another, and If you've been waiting on me to get back to you, please accept my most sincere apology, I don't mean to neglect. I've recently been promoted at the radio station at my college, I'm now assistant director of the production department. What that means, is that while my online content isn't going out much, my producing skills are getting better and better, constantly getting honed. I'll need to comb through some of my best works, see about compiling them together into a showcase and posting them here!
So that's roughly what I've been going through, sorry if I've left any of you guys hanging, or wondering where the hell I've gone. I really shouldn't make any promises, but I'd like to go into this summer and the next fall semester with a bit more creative juices flowing. Robot day is coming up again, THE REAL ROBOT DAY, and I should really get something done for it, so maybe an unofficial promise for you guys there?
Side note? I've built a fucking asshole buster of a blue black mill deck and woe to anyone that goes against me.
Physics is a bitch and I'm going to try to post more shit online coming up soon. Papa bless and peace out.
Congrats on the promotion to being assistant director!!! also even tho you might not come out with content on a consistent basis, i still look foreword to your awesome shit man! stay cool.
<3 Thanks! Your stuff is such a delight, especially when you muster out a new animation, a real treat!