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Ok, where to start? I recently voiced for a dubbing of a spanish animation by the talented skulllink. You can see the animation right here, it's a Pokemon parody. I haven't been current with pokemon for a very long time, but the jokes pretty much matched up with what I remember hahaha, you should give it a view! A while before that, Retrosleep created a dragonball Z parody. I helped a smidgeon with some audio mixing to give it a good feel at parts, and I think it came out really well! It's that damn Gianni (AKA SirUndead) he's so hot right now! I also voiced for another talented cat named Johnopotamus, but the animation is still in progress so stay tuned! This guy is going to go far, so you'd better give him a follow post haste! Three more animations are in the works from Twisted4000 and Kalabor106, so keep posted for when they come out!
The 20th Anniversary Portal Collab finally reared it's head and hot damn was it really impressive! Soooooooooooo many talented people worked on it, so many god damned talented people!!!!!! Just go check it out! Heehee, I created two figurines for the collection; Runk-A-Chunk and Dad. Job well done Whirlguy!
I participated in the animation jam a couple weeks back as well! I voiced for MOC-Productions and ShadeMachine for their animations. They both joined a day late into it, so unfortunately they didn't make the deadline, but they are still working on them to get them released, just with more polish. I'm really excited for them too, they're really well written and I had a blast recording them! Go give these two dudes a follow as well so that you don't miss any of their stuff either :)
Something else that really bothered me was that I missed my NG anniversary! AHHHHHH!!! So yeah, October 20th commemorated my 4th year actively creating content and helping this place become just a little bit more awesome than how I found it :3 Kinda hard to believe how far I've come since I first began, and I'm working and hanging out with so many awesomely talented and cool individuals like Kalabor106, Twisted4000, Retrosleep, Deathink, ethanalways and RamboJoe to name a few. Seriously you all fucking rock so damn hard it boggles my mind!
That just about wraps it up! As always, stay classy you crazy kiddies! Back to Fallout!

Notice me senpai